XVII FISV Congress

Padua, Italy • 18-20 September 2024

XVII FISV Congress

Padua, Italy • 18-20 September 2024

XVII FISV Congress

Padua, Italy • 18-20 September 2024



  • Palazzo Bo - Aula Magna G. Galilei and Aula I. Nievo
    Via VIII Febbraio 2 - Padua


    Registration (Sala dei Quaranta)
    (The organisers recommend having your Italian Tessera Sanitaria with you)


    Welcome (Aula Magna G. Galilei and Aula I. Nievo in streaming)

    Chiara TONELLI, FISV President
    Luigi BUBACCO, University of Padua


    FISV Lecture “Tullio Pozzan” (Aula Magna G. Galilei and Aula I. Nievo in streaming)

    Chair: Paola Pizzo (University of Padua)

    Rino RAPPUOLI (Biotechnopole Foundation Siena)
    Microbes for a sustainable planet


    Symposium 1: Pangenomics (Aula Magna G. Galilei and Aula I. Nievo in streaming)

    Chairs: Giuseppe Passarino (University of Calabria), Daniela Zuccarello (University of Padua)

    Vincenza COLONNA (IGB-CNR and University of Tennessee Health Science Center)
    Why pangenomes matter

    Luigi VEZZULLI (University of Genoa)
    Pangenomics and metagenomics applied to the study of marine pathogen ecology in the global ocean


    Coffee break


    Symposium 1: Pangenomics (Aula Magna G. Galilei and Aula I. Nievo in streaming)

    Leonardo SALVIATI (University of Padua)
    Human pangenome and genetic diagnosis

    Michele MORGANTE (University of Udine)
    Transposable elements and the plant pan genomes, 17 years later


    PNRR Round Table (Aula Magna G. Galilei)

    Chairs: Danilo Porro (National Delegate of the "Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment" (Cluster 6) of the Program Committee Horizon Europe 2021-2027), Chiara Tonelli (FISV President)

    Matteo LORITO (University of Naples Federico II)
    Agritech Centre

    Rosario RIZZUTO (University of Padua)
    RNA Centre

    Massimo LABRA ( University of Milan - Bicocca)
    Biodiversity Centre


    FISV for Young Researchers (Aula I. Nievo)

    Chairs: Chiara Zuccato (University of Milan and INGM), Veronica De Sanctis (University of Trento)

    Massimo DELLEDONNE (University of Verona)
    Decoding the Future: Advances in Sequencing Technologies and Research Adaptation

    Clelia PEANO (National Facility for Genomics, Human Technopole)
    Human Technopole: How National Facilities can enhance your research


    Aperitivo and dinner at Caffè Pedrocchi

  • Multifunctional Psychology Centre
    Via Venezia 12 - Padua


    Parallel Symposium 2: Epigenetics and postgenomic mechanisms in physiology and pathology (Psychology Building 3 – Congress Center G. Petter)

    Chairs: Francesco Curcio (University of Udine), Corrado Calì (University of Turin)

    Salvatore OLIVIERO (University of Turin)
    DNA methylation restricts neural fate in embryonic stem cells

    Stefania GRIMAUDO (University of Palermo)
    Genetic and epigenetic contribution to Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) development and progression

    Fabio COPPEDÈ (University of Pisa)
    Epigenetics in medical genetics

    Lorenzo CHIARIOTTI (University of Naples Federico II)
    Epigenetics in brain tumors


    Parallel Symposium 3: Food security and safety: breaking the yield/quality trade-off (Psychology Building 2 - Room 2D)

    Chairs: Alessandro Vitale (CNR-IBBA Milan), Laura Mugnai (University of Florence)

    Silvio SALVI (University of Bologna)
    In search of the genetic basis of crop production and sustainability

    Marco TREVISAN (Catholic University Piacenza)
    Is the use of pesticides safe for the environment and humans?

    David COLLINGE (University of Copenhagen)
    Contrasting biotechnological approaches for sustainable plant disease control

    Stefania IAMETTI (University of Milan)
    The biochemist’s viewpoint: molecular basis of food quality


    Coffee break


    Symposium 4: CRISPR technologies and applications (Psychology Building 3 – Congress Center G. Petter)

    Chairs: Michela Zottini (University of Padua), Lucia Altucci (University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli)

    Anna CERESETO (University of Trento)
    Expanding the genome editing toolbox through the identification and evolution of novel RNA guided nucleases

    Vittoria BRAMBILLA (University of Milan)
    Genome editing in crops: a journey that encompasses more than just science

    Angelo LOMBARDO (University Vita-Salute San Raffaele and SR-Tiget)
    Programming gene expression by targeted epigenetic editing


    Chiara COLANTUONO (Negedia) (Psychology Building 3 – Congress Center G. Petter)
    Enhancing life sciences through advanced multimodal methods




    Keynote Lecture “Riccardo Cortese” (Psychology Building 3 – Congress Center G. Petter)

    Chair: Salvatore Oliviero (University of Turin)

    Marino ZERIAL (Human Technopole Director)
    Role of forces in membrane dynamics and liver tissue morphogenesis


    Symposium 5: Immunity in humans and plants (Psychology Building 3 – Congress Center G. Petter)

    Chairs: Paola Nisticò (IRCCS Regina Elena National Cancer Institute), Giulia De Lorenzo (University of Rome La Sapienza)

    Alberto MANTOVANI (Humanitas University)
    Molecular pathways linking innate immunity, inflammation and cancer

    Sergio ABRIGNANI (University of Milan and INGM)
    Functional interrogation of intratumoral T lymphocytes

    Thorsten NUERNBERGER (University of Tubingen)
    Pattern recognition receptors in plant immunity – evolution and function


    Valentina GARRAPA (Preclinics Italia) (Psychology Building 3 – Congress Center G. Petter)
    Exploiting animal immunity: camelids’ antibodies as new biotechnology tools


    Coffee break



    • Environmental, Evolutionary and Developmental Biology (Psychology Building 2 - Room 2D)

      Chairs: Milena Bellin (University of Padua), Lucio Conti (University of Milan)

      Gaia Bertolotti (Rome)
      Unraveling the molecular mechanisms of cortical layer variation in plants: insights from Arabidopsis thaliana and Cardamine hirsuta

      Riccardo Di Mambro (Pisa)
      Hormonal control of developmental programmed cell death events in Arabidopsis root meristem

      Martin Kater (Milan)
      Characterisation of ALOG genes controlling rice inflorescence architecture

      Damiano Martignago (Milan)
      Exploring allelic diversity in Arabidopsis ecotypes: implications for drought adaptation

      Alessandra Rogato (Naples)
      Diatoms nitrate transporters as regulators of intracellular nitrogen dynamics and ion balance in a changing environment

      Anna Santin (Padua)
      Exploring the interplay between nitrogen and carbon metabolism in diazotrophic cyanobacteria

      Irene Sbrocca (Rome)
      Understanding the physiological and molecular mechanisms of salinity stress tolerance in durum wheat

    • Genetics, Epigenetics and Chromosome Biology (Psychology Building 2 - Room 2B)

      Chairs: Stefano Amente (University of Naples Federico II), Alessandro Fiorenzano (IGB-CNR), Francesca Romana Auciello (IRCCS Regina Elena National Cancer Institute)

      Walter Arancio (Palermo)
      Transcripts derived from AmnSINE1 repetitive sequences are depleted in the cortex of autism spectrum disorder patients

      Giuliana Giannuzzi (Milan)
      AGAP duplicons associate with structural diversity at chromosome 10q11.22

      Alessandro Vannozzi (Legnaro, PD)
      From protein-centered to gene-centered approaches to investigate DNA-protein interactions in grapevine

      Giorgio Milazzo (Bologna)
      Non-canonical roles of RCOR2 in regulating MYCN-driven neuroblastoma as a new member of the adrenergic core regulatory circuitry

      Erika Casari (Milan)
      Phosphatases in the regulation of DNA damage response: the role of PP2A

      Francesca Gorini (Naples)
      8-oxodG is a driver of the transcription machinery

      Renée Duardo (Bologna)
      Human DNA topoisomerase I poisoning causes R-loop-mediated genome instability attenuated by transcription factor IIS

    • Genomics, Proteomics and Systems Biology (Psychology Building 2 - Room 2C)

      Chairs: Simona Giunta (University of Rome La Sapienza), Paolo Pesaresi (University of Milan)

      Flavia Belluomini (Pisa)
      The role of bitter taste receptor genes in shaping meconium microbiome in newborns

      Aurora Brandi (Naples)
      MiDNE: Multi-omics genes and Drugs Network Embedding

      Guido Domingo (Varese)
      Differences in drought sensitivity reflected in wheat root exudation

      Giovanni Gabelli (Legnaro, PD)
      Chromosome level genome assembly combined with metabolomic analyses and WGS of 100 worldwide varieties elucidated the volatile compounds production in fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

      Nicolaj Jeran (Milan)
      A system biology-oriented investigation of Arabidopsis proteomes altered in chloroplast biogenesis and retrograde signaling reveals adaptive responses at whole cell level

      Stefania Mattevi (Brescia)
      ASTRA, a new tool to investigate allele-specific expression: the case of cardiomyopathy

      Marco Russo (Bologna)
      Multi-omic landscape of micronuclei reveals mitochondrial-dependent inhibition of innate immune response in cancer cells


    Poster Presentations (Building Fiore di Botta)

    • Current Trends in Biotechnology (Room 0E Ground Floor)

      Chairs: Elide Formentin (University of Padua), Sara Zenoni (University of Verona)

      Pasquale Creanza (Urbino)
      A biotechnological approach to produce new protein bioplastic

      Giuseppina Roscigno (Naples)
      Ultrasmall carbon nanodots as theranostic nanoheaters for precision breast cancer phototherapy: establishing the translational potential on tumor-in-a-dish models

      Adriano Griffo (Pavia)
      High-throughput analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as a non-invasive method for seed quality assessment

      Alberto Danielli (Bologna)
      Molecular engineering of a spheroid-penetrating phage nanovector for targeted photosonodynamic treatment of EGFR-expressing cancer cells

      Francesco Cosenza (Palermo)
      Ratiometric Matroshka biosensors for in vivo monitoring of inorganic phosphate and InsP3

      Marco Greco (Rome)
      Two-phase olive pomace is enriched in oligosaccharides activators of plant immunity

      Silvia Farinati (Legnaro, PD)
      Unlocking malesterility in horticultural crops through a precision breeding approach based on the gene editing technology

      Marco Boschin (Padua)
      CLEver tomatoes: unlocking the role of CLE peptides in fruits

      Marco Armellin (Padua)
      From leaf to flask: Cannabis sativa glandular trichomes as cellular biofactories

      Dora Scarpin (Udine)
      Isolation and characterisation of extracellular vesicles from Coffea arabica L. cell cultures

      Maria Carmen Valoroso (Milan)
      Molecular characterization of immune responses against bacterial challenge in Aedes albopictus larvae for the improvement of entomopathogen performances

      Azzurra Di Bonaventura (Udine)
      Elicitation of diterpene synthesis in cell suspension cultures from Coffea arabica

      Sara Beltrami (Sesto Fiorentino)
      Enhancing plant photosynthetic performances by boosting plant carbonic anhydrase activity

      Muhammad Ilyas (Rome)
      Improving resistance of traditional Italian tomato cultivars against biotic stress

      Ida Paolillo (Naples)
      Characterization of beneficial properties of natural flavonol glycosides isolated from Staphylea pinnata L.

    • Food and Sustainable Nutrition (Room 0F Ground Floor)

      Chairs: Maria Concetta De Pinto (University of Bari Aldo Moro), Francesco Bonomi (University of Milan)

      Costanza Cicchi (Florence)
      Bioactive peptides from fermented sourdough: potential role in modulation of gut inflammation and intestinal barrier function

      Michele Perazzolli (Trento)
      Mitigation of frost stress in plants by cold-tolerant endophytic bacteria

      Chiara Ruspi (Perugia)
      Use of Plant Growth-Promoting Yeasts (PGPYs) to enhance zucchini growth in saline soils

      Francesca Alderotti (Sesto Fiorentino)
      Impact of regulated deficit irrigation on plant physiology and olives phenolic profile in three Olea europaea L. cultivars

      Francesco Scariolo (Legnaro, PD)
      NGS-based phylogenetic analysis and discriminant loci identification in Cichorium crops: a comparison between species, biotypes and varieties

      Guglielmo Duranti (Rome)
      Metabolomic analysis of Moringa oleifera leaves extracts from different geographical origins and evaluation of their antioxidant effects on in vitro cellular model

      Michela Manai (Rome)
      Phenotypical and biochemical characterization of tomato plants treated with triacontanol

      Fabiola Troisi (Pisa)
      Intestine-on-chip platforms for testing intestinal absorption of peptide drugs synthesized and delivered through newly engineered food

      Ilaria Colzi (Florence)
      The third wheel in the plant-pollinator relationship: the presence of microplastics in the soil – the BeeSafe project

      Aurélien Devillars (Legnaro, PD)
      Preliminary steps of a protocol to isolate transcription factors bound to a specific DNA locus in grapevine using CRISPR-dCas9 system

      Samela Draga (Legnaro, PD)
      Exploring the Dynamics of Self-Incompatibility system in chicory

      Francesca Messina (Pavia)
      Lettuce seed priming: step-by-step design to improve thermotolerance

      Damiano Riommi (Legnaro, PD)
      Genotyping through ddRADseq in Kabocha squash (Cucurbita maxima L.): identification of discriminant molecular loci for breeding and commercial products tracing

      Irene Doro (Padua)
      Investigating the role of endophytes in enhancing grapevine resilience to drought

      Patrizia Trifilo’ (Messina)
      Hydrochar as a soil amendment: boosting drought resistance in sunflowers

    • Health and Disease (Room 0G Ground Floor)

      Chairs: Sirio Dupont (University of Padua), Serena Carra (University of Modena - Reggio Emilia)

      Ludovica Lospinoso Severini (Rome)
      SALL4 is a CRL3REN substrate that drives Sonic Hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma

      Fatemeh Asadzadeh (Naples)
      A mechanisms of Prune-1 involvement in cell metabolism using a murine model of Triple Negative Breast cancer (TNBC)

      Rodrigo D’Amico (Rome)
      Consequences of CNBP reduced expression in DM2 pathogenesis

      Simone Pizzini (Padua)
      The involvement of the immune receptor CD300e in obesity-associated dysmetabolism

      Francesca Romana Auciello (Rome)
      Cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) in PDAC: potential metabolic targets in the tumour microenvironment

      Silvia Iannelli (Naples)
      Chromatin plasticity to Preeclampsia monitoring in pregnant women

      Roberta Andreotti (Padua)
      LSD1/PRMT6-targeting gene therapy to attenuate androgen receptor toxic gain-of function ameliorates spinobulbar muscular atrophy phenotypes in flies and mice

      Ilenia Cruciata (Palermo)
      An innovative approach of personalized medicine in cystic fibrosis: an in vivo study with NV914 molecule as translational readthrough inducing drug

      Veronica Ferrucci (Naples)
      Loss of function mutations in PRUNE1 locus (1q21.3) cause neurodevelopmental disorder (NMIHBA, #617481) by altering mitochondrial metabolism and microtubule dynamics

      Rossella Roncoroni (Varese)
      The human RNASET2 protein behaves as an alarmin by stimulating chemotaxis and M1-polarization in vitro in two macrophage cell models

      Lucrezia Zerillo (Benevento)
      The CARD14sh-BCL10-MALT1 complex regulates antiviral innate immune response in keratinocytes

      Ida De Chiara (Caserta)
      Lactococcus lactis cell-free supernatant inhibits GBM cell line proliferation and maintains blood-brain barrier integrity

      Elena Riva (Parma)
      Analysis of PM2.5 extracts impact on atherosclerosis process: inflammatory response and possible role of ATP-binding cassette transporters

      Giulia Acocella (Rome)
      The nucleoside analogue 6-thio-2'-deoxyguanosine (6-thio-dG) sensitizes breast cancer cells to ionizing radiation exposure

      Simona Martinotti (Alessandria)
      Glucose-related protein-78 (GRP78) on the cell surface: the shadowy side of GRP78


    National Research Agency Round Table (Psychology Building 3 – Congress Center G. Petter) Invitation

    Valeria POLI (University of Turin)

    Federico BINDA (University of Milan)

    Chiara TONELLI (FISV President)

    Marco MANCINI (University of Rome La Sapienza)

    Michele MORGANTE (University of Udine)

  • Multifunctional Psychology Centre
    Via Venezia 12 - Padua


    Parallel Symposium 6: Plant communication in response to environmental stress (Psychology Building 3 – Congress Center G. Petter)

    Chairs: Chiara Pucciariello (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa), Roberto De Michele (CNR Palermo)

    Guido GROSSMANN (Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf)
    Chit-Chat underground: deciphering communication in roots and the rhizosphere

    Christian MEYER (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, France)
    The Target of Rapamycin kinase in plants: a central communicaTOR in nutrient and growth signaling

    Pierdomenico PERATA (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna)
    miRNAs as Plant-to-Plant Signaling Molecules

    Francesca CARDINALE (University of Turin)
    Plant hormones as mediators of systemic communication under stress: the strigolactone case study


    Parallel Symposium 7: Exploring the dark genome in development, disease and therapeutic frontiers (Psychology Building 2 - Room 2D)

    Chairs: Stefano Gustincich (Italian Institute of Technology), Giovanni Capranico (University of Bologna)

    Miguel BRANCO (The London School of Medicine and Dentistry)
    Regulation of placental gene expression by endogenous retroviruses

    Beatrice BODEGA (University of Milan and INGM)
    Retrotransposable Elements dynamics regulate human T cell biology

    Johan JAKOBSSON (University of Lund)
    Transposable elements and neurological disorders

    Raffaella TONINI (Italian Institute of Technology)
    Modulation of LINE1 (L1) lncRNAs in adaptive behavioral control


    Coffee break



    • Current Trends in Biotechnology (Psychology Building 2 - Room 2B)

      Chairs: Giulia Antoniali (University of Udine), Simone Ferrari (University of Rome La Sapienza)

      Michela Cecchin (Verona)
      Optimization of dsRNA production from microalgae for spray-induced gene silencing approaches

      Dario Balestra (Ferrara)
      New genome editing approaches: base and prime editing to revert hemophilia A-causing point mutations

      Carmen Laezza (Portici)
      Single-cell technology reveals hidden heterogeneity in metabolite production within callus cultures

      Martina Colasante (L'Aquila)
      Antibody/Aptamer-based therapeutic targeting against glioblastoma

      Giorgia Della Rocca (Rome)
      Selective targeting of redox alterations in medulloblastoma tumors through nanotechnology-based delivery systems

      Suleman Khan Zadran (Bologna)
      Nanoarchitectonics of the M13 phage provides a potent and specific anti-GD2 vector platform for neuroblastoma therapy

      Gabriele Magon (Legnaro, PD)
      Exploring the gene regulatory networks of WRKY family in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) using DAP-Seq

    • Food and Sustainable Nutrition (Psychology Building 2 - Room 2C)

      Chairs: Francesca Marcon (Italian National Institute of Health, Rome), Laura De Gara (Campus Bio-Medico University Rome), Franco Faoro (University of Milan)

      Nicholas Rizzetto (Padua)
      Flavodiiron proteins: adding a “flavo-rful” boost to photosynthetic efficiency in angiosperms

      Eleonora Stanca (Lecce)
      EPA and DHA enhance CACT promoter activity by GABP/NRF2

      Sara Ragucci (Caserta)
      Melleatin, an atypical ribosome inactivating protein from fruiting bodies of honey mushroom (Armillaria mellea)

      Riccardo Lorrai (Rome)
      A bio-based approach to produce an effective elicitor of plant defense responses for sustainable crop protection

      Sarah Giulietti (Rome)
      A role for Arabidopsis NPK1-related protein kinases (ANPs) in the response to endoplasmic reticulum stress, which leads to jasmonate-modulated cell wall alterations

      Vincenzo Lionetti (Rome)
      Processing protein precursors to produce apoplastic danger signals for plant immuity

      Emily Rose Palm (Milan)
      Cu stimulates Zn accumulation but reduces biomass of Salix matsudana L. under heterogeneous supply

    • Health and Disease (Psychology Building 2 - Room 2D)

      Chairs: Simona D'Aguanno (IRCCS Regina Elena National Cancer Institute), Maria Serena Roca (G. Pascale National Cancer Institute Foundation Naples)

      Francesca Bufalieri (Rome)
      Discovery of a new selective inhibitor of endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 for targeting hedgehog-dependent cancers

      Camilla Danisi (Naples)
      uL3 loss sensitize resistant p53 deleted colon cancer cells to ferroptosis

      Daniele Ottaviani (Padua)
      CaRma identifies key changes of cardiac-specific splicing in doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity

      Giulia Peduzzi (Pisa)
      Hormonal influence on pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: deciphering gender disparities in risk assessment

      Lorena Perrone (Enna)
      Thioredoxin Interacting Protein (TXNIP), a major player in diabetes and insulin resistance, is a therapeutic target for Alzheimer Disease

      Margherita Piccardi (Pisa)
      Engineering a mesothelin-binding scaffold for targeted-therapy against pleural mesothelioma

      Marta Viggiano (Bologna)
      Investigating the role of rare missense variants in RAB11B in Autism Spectrum Disorder


    Poster Presentations (Building Fiore di Botta)

    • Environmental, Evolutionary and Developmental Biology (Room 0F Ground Floor)

      Chairs: Beniamino Trombetta (University of Rome La Sapienza), Alessandro Alboresi (University of Padua)

      Claudia Beraldo (Padua)
      Learning from nature: the full adaptability of moss P. patens to changing light conditions

      Maria Benedetta Mattei (L'Aquila)
      Comparative analysis of plant and fungal oligosaccharide oxidases: enzymatic functions and structural Insights

      Alberta Notte (Naples)
      Characterization of two L. japonicus nitrate transporters genes and their involvement in nodule functioning

      Alma Balestrazzi (Pavia)
      Climate-resilient models of pre-germinative metabolism: characterization of the seed repair response

      Federica Brunoni (Olomouc, Czech Republic)
      Homeostasis of cis-OPDA amide conjugates in plant stress responses

      Stefania Fortunato (Bari)
      Impaired chloroplast retrograde signaling alters redox-dependent heat stress response

      Veronica Gregis (Milan)
      Behind phyllotaxis, within the meristem: a REM-ARF complex shapes inflorescence in Arabidopsis thaliana

      Michela Molinari (Rome)
      Analyzing the modulation of sulphur metabolism in rice under salt stress

      Cristina Morabito (Turin)
      Procrastinator or escaper? How plants can adopt alternative strategies in response to different drought events

      Ambra Selene Parmagnani (Turin)
      The search for a potential magnetosensor in plants

      Luigia Pazzagli (Florence)
      Characterization of lscβ and lscγ, two levansucrases of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae biovar 3, the causal agent of bacterial canker of kiwifruit

      Annarita Ricciardelli (Naples)
      Trace metals availability controls microbial growth performances and drives metabolic shifts

      Margaryta Shtin (Rome)
      Unraveling the molecular circuit governing the Lateral Root Cap Programmed Cell Death events

      Marta Alberti (Bologna)
      Using supervised-machine learning and network-based approaches to search for genetic determinants of human polygenic adaptive traits

      Leonardo Buzzicotti (Legnaro, PD)
      Maize mutant for strigolactone biosynthesis shows an altered response to drought stress and nutrient deficiency

    • Genetics, Epigenetics and Chromosome Biology (Room 1A Ground Floor)

      Chairs: Antonella Sgura (Roma Tre University), Sara Cimini (Campus Bio-Medico University Rome)

      Carmen Caiazza (Naples)
      Exploring lamin's role in genomic stability and DNA repair: insights from DSB clustering and lamin deficiency studies

      Noemi Cabella (Pavia)
      Novel insights into the role of miRNA hsa-miR-1307-3p in genomic instability and DNA damage repair

      Davide Colaianni (Padua)
      miR-210 is essential to retinal homeostasis in fruit flies and mice

      Giorgio Perrella (Milan)
      Histone Deacetylase Complex 1 is a novel regulator of hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

      Martina Santulli (Bologna)
      High MYCN dosage reconfigures the ATAC complex/E2F3a intracellular interaction to foster Neuroblastoma cells towards more aggressive behaviors

      Desiree Brancato (Catania)
      Chromatin Loop compaction is genotype dependent on SNP rs12913832 involved in eye color variation

      Anna Noviello (Naples)
      Investigating the role of autophagy in double-strand breaks (DSB) repair: impacts of epigenetics on repair pathway choice

      Erica Rossi (Rome)
      Looking for a mitochondrial role of telomerase reverse transcriptase

      Pietro Salvatore Carollo (Palermo)
      DNMT1-inducible degradation leads to G1/S cell cycle arrest, activation of TP53 and p21, associated with global 5-methylcytosine (5mC) reduction in RPE-1 cells

      Anna Piscone (Naples)
      Investigating the contribution of the base excision repair pathway to genomic instability

      Elena De Marino (Naples)
      An emergent role of p19Arf (Alternative Reading Frame) in pancreatic differentiation

      Maria Vivo (Salerno)
      Exploring the interplay between nuclear structure and DNA damage

      Andrea Tonanzi (Rome)
      Arabidopsis plants with defective hydrolysis of indole glucosinolates show increased resistance to the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea

      Lucia Argenziano (Caserta)
      Molecular analysis of a maternal-effect gene Padi6variant in oocytes and embryos

      Federica Barbato (Rome)
      Exploring the impact of low radiation environment on Immune response through the activation of the cGAS/STING pathway: the DISCOVER22 experiment at the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory

    • Genomics, Proteomics and Systems Biology (Room 1D Ground Floor)

      Chairs: Daniele Campa (University of Pisa), Benedetta Mattei (University of L'Aquila)

      Elena Bianchi (Pavia)
      Revealing novel interactors of DNA polymerase lambda using the BioID approach

      Ferdinando Spagnolo (Rome)
      Rapid prediction of Antigen-Antibody compatibility using siamese neural networks: a computational approach to enhance immune response understanding

      Matteo Brignone (Rome)
      Semaphorin 5A and its role in melanoma: implication in tumor aggressiveness

      Anna Bortolato (Padua)
      MOSClip: an R package for multi-omic survival and two-class pathway analysis

      Anna Carolina de Lima Tanada (Padua)
      Mitology: fast and efficient mitochondrial specific pathways analysis of high-throughput data

      Milena Della Gala (Caserta)
      Investigating the Mycobacterium smegmatis TetR_3765 regulon

      Valeria Ranzani (Milan)
      Retrotransposable elements containing transcripts as a novel players in regulating T cell function within tumor microenvironment

      Shraddha Shridhar Gaonkar (Pavia)
      Metabolomic changes mediated by spermidine to enhance longevity in primed Medicago truncatula seeds

      Chiara Spinsante (Ancona)
      Exploring vitellogenin receptors: characterization of the low density lipoprotein superfamily receptors in the newt Cynops orientalis

      Federico Manai (Pavia)
      TET2 alterations in colorectal cancer: impact on molecular and clinico-pathological features, and on therapy response

      Eliana Patricelli (Bari)
      Site-directed RNA editing systems for therapeutic applications

      Laura Ravazzolo (Legnaro, PD)
      Heterologous expression of ZmWBC33 in Arabidopsis thaliana to assess its putative involvement in strigolactone transport

      Roberto Silvestri (Pisa)
      Proteins and miRNAs analysis reveals novel potential biomarkers for pleural mesothelioma

      Armando Carpaneto (Genoa)
      Tonoplast cytochrome b561 is a transmembrane ascorbate- dependent monodehydroascorbate reductase: direct recordings of electron currents in plant vacuoles

      Simona Giunta (Rome)
      Haplotype-resolved genetic and epigenetic landscapes of a human genome




    Symposium 8: RNA biology and medicine (Psychology Building 3 – Congress Center G. Petter)

    Chairs: Valeria Poli (University of Turin), Serena Varotto (University of Padua)

    Yiliang DING (John Innes Centre, Norwich)
    RNA structure, an important regulator in living cells

    Rosario RIZZUTO (University of Padua)
    RNA molecules for modulating mitochondrial function and inflammation

    Mauro GIACCA (King’s College London and University of Trieste)
    RNA therapies for cardiac regeneration and gene editing


    Best presentation and poster awards (Psychology Building 3 – Congress Center G. Petter)


    Closing Remarks (Psychology Building 3 – Congress Center G. Petter)

  • Posters are available in your personal myFISV2024 area (Posters section).

    • P1 • Environmental, Evolutionary and Developmental Biology

      P1.1 Marta Alberti (Bologna)
      Using supervised-machine learning and network-based approaches to search for genetic determinants of human polygenic adaptive traits

      P1.2 Massimo Aloisi (L'Aquila)
      Implementing Drosophila melanogaster models of human disease to assess the genotoxicity, carcinogenic potential, and disease-promoting effects of polystyrene nanoparticles

      P1.3 Alma Balestrazzi (Pavia)
      Climate-resilient models of pre-germinative metabolism: characterization of the seed repair response

      P1.4 Claudia Beraldo (Padua)
      Learning from nature: the full adaptability of moss P. patens to changing light conditions

      P1.5 Federica Brunoni (Olomouc, Czech Republic)
      Homeostasis of cis-OPDA amide conjugates in plant stress responses

      P1.6 Leonardo Buzzicotti (Legnaro, PD)
      Maize mutant for strigolactone biosynthesis shows an altered response to drought stress and nutrient deficiency

      P1.7 Francesco Caldo (Turin)
      Lettuce on the moon: transcriptomics on reduced gravity and magnetic field conditions

      P1.8 Angela Carfora (Naples)
      Differential expression of genes involved in biotic and abiotic stress in Raphanus plants collected in urban and extra-urban areas

      P1.9 Maria Teresa Chiofalo (Messina)
      Tiny plastics, big problems: unraveling the effects of microplastics on plant health

      P1.10 Sara Cimini (Rome)
      MicroRNAs as key regulators of rice seed germination and development under salinity

      P1.11 Lucio Conti (Milan)
      Multilevel interactions of drought signals with the floral genes network

      P1.12 Roberto De Michele (Palermo)
      Stranded Posidonia oceanica seeds enclosed in fruits retain their reproduction potential and are eventually retrieved by the sea

      P1.13 Michela De Nittis (Rome)
      Understanding the role of the auxin minimum in regulating the transition from division to differentiation in the Root Apical Meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana

      P1.14 Concetta Di Napoli (Naples)
      Characterization of possible cysteines’ post-translational modification of plastidial glucose 6-phosphate deydrogenase

      P1.15 Nunzio Dipierro (Bari)
      Olive tree response to salt stress using different growth substrates

      P1.16 Alessandra Fanelli (Parma)
      Model plants for genotoxicity assessment: Tradescantia clone #4430 and Tradescantia andersoniana

      P1.17 Nicoletta Favale (Ferrara)
      Genomic signature of shell color variation in the Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) breeded in the Northern Adriatic sea, Italy

      P1.18 Nicolò Fogal (Padua)
      Reconstruction of Crassostrea gigas pangenome leads to the collection of more than 150 megabases of new genomic material

      P1.19 Stefania Fortunato (Bari)
      Impaired chloroplast retrograde signaling alters redox-dependent heat stress response

      P1.20 Samuele Greco (Trieste)
      Gene presence absence variation for population genetics studies in the Mytilus genus

      P1.21 Veronica Gregis (Milan)
      Behind phyllotaxis, within the meristem: a REM-ARF complex shapes inflorescence in Arabidopsis thaliana

      P1.22 Sophia Luche (Parma)
      Alkaline comet assay reveals DNA damage in Cannabis sativa L. exposed to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS)

      P1.23 Maria Benedetta Mattei (L'Aquila)
      Comparative analysis of plant and fungal oligosaccharide oxidases: enzymatic functions and structural Insights

      P1.24 Michela Molinari (Rome)
      Analyzing the modulation of sulphur metabolism in rice under salt stress

      P1.25 Cristina Morabito (Turin)
      Procrastinator or escaper? How plants can adopt alternative strategies in response to different drought events

      P1.26 Domenico Mordà (Messina)
      The impact of excess zinc on leaf hydraulic conductance: implications for plant stress resilience

      P1.27 Alessandro Nota (Pavia)
      Tracing the evolutionary history of Ixodes ticks in the context of environmental change: a mitogenome perspective

      P1.28 Alberta Notte (Naples)
      Characterization of two L. japonicus nitrate transporters genes and their involvement in nodule functioning

      P1.29 Elisabetta Oddo (Palermo)
      Exploring physiological responses to water deficit of Brassica rapa and B. oleracea genotypes from the Mediterranean area

      P1.30 Andrea Pagano (Pavia)

      Profiles of heat stress resilience in pre-germinative metabolism of neglected legume accessions

      P1.31 Annalisa Paradiso (Lecce)
      Influence of semi-transparent lead-free perovskite panels on growth and development of tomato plants

      P1.32 Ambra Selene Parmagnani (Turin)
      The search for a potential magnetosensor in plants

      P1.33 Luigia Pazzagli (Florence)
      Characterization of lscβ and lscγ, two levansucrases of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae biovar 3, the causal agent of bacterial canker of kiwifruit

      P1.34 Federica Pennisi (Verona)
      Study on SlBBX16 and SlBBX17, two B-box microProteins implicated in tomato reproductive development, and their interacting partners

      P1.35 Damiano Pistone (Pavia)
      Reconstructing the genetic variability of the critically endangered Aeolian wall lizard: a comparative study of museum samples

      P1.36 Annarita Ricciardelli (Naples)
      Trace metals availability controls microbial growth performances and drives metabolic shifts

      P1.37 Sara Russo Spena (Naples)
      Investigation into the TOR signaling in diatoms

      P1.38 Stefania Sarno (Bologna)
      Epigenetic aging differences between Wichí and Criollos from Argentina: insights from genomic history and ecology

      P1.39 Margaryta Shtin (Rome)
      Unraveling the molecular circuit governing the Lateral Root Cap Programmed Cell Death events

      P1.40 Mario Soccio (Foggia)
      Changes in glyoxalase I activity in leaves of three durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) cultivars exposed to water stress during both vegetative and reproductive growth stages

      P1.41 Valeria Specchia (Lecce)
      Environmental DNA detects genetic and biological diversity of eukaryotic communities in Mediterranean aquatic ecosystems

      P1.42 Graziana Spinelli (Ancona)
      Effects of different light conditions on photosynthesis and cell composition in marine microalgae

      P1.43 Chiara Stefanelli (Padua)
      Functional characterization of the second feedback loop in the circadian clock of the Antarctic krill E. superba

      P1.44 Sri Amarnadh Gupta Tondepu (Pavia)
      Expression dynamics of genes involved in DNA Damage Response during rice (Oryza sativa) seed germination under salinity stress

    • P2 • Genetics, Epigenetics and Chromosome Biology

      P2.1 Lucia Argenziano (Caserta)
      Molecular analysis of a maternal-effect gene Padi6 variant in oocytes and embryos

      P2.2 Federica Barbato (Rome)
      Exploring the impact of low radiation environment on Immune response through the activation of the cGAS/STING pathway: the DISCOVER22 experiment at the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory

      P2.3 Matteo Battistolli (Padua)
      The circadian clock period gene regulates composition and daily bacterial load of the gut microbiome in Drosophila melanogaster

      P2.4 Michele Bellucci (Perugia)
      Overcoming hybridization barriers in strictly cleistogamous Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd

      P2.5 Serena Bernardi (Orbassano, TO)
      CircCDYL and hnRNPL complex regulates isoform switching and chromatin remodeling in breast cancer cells

      P2.6 Desiree Brancato (Catania)
      Chromatin Loop compaction is genotype dependent on SNP rs12913832 involved in eye color variation

      P2.7 Noemi Cabella (Pavia)
      Novel insights into the role of miRNA hsa-miR-1307-3p in genomic instability and DNA damage repair

      P2.8 Carmen Caiazza (Naples)
      Exploring lamin's role in genomic stability and DNA repair: insights from DSB clustering and lamin deficiency studies

      P2.9 Fabio Caradonna (Palermo)
      Nutrigenomic effect of pterostilbene as potential in vitro dietary-derived neuroprotective in human neuroblastoma cell line SK-N-BE

      P2.10 Pietro Salvatore Carollo (Palermo)
      DNMT1-inducible degradation leads to G1/S cell cycle arrest, activation of TP53 and p21, associated with global 5-methylcytosine (5mC) reduction in RPE-1 cells

      P2.11 Marta Cavallini (Varese)
      The RIBICALM Project: development of a tool for the determination of Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) varieties using machine learning

      P2.12 Davide Colaianni (Padua)
      miR-210 is essential to retinal homeostasis in fruit flies and mice

      P2.13 Chiara Corradi (Pisa)
      Whole exome sequencing identifies 25 deleterious germline variants involved in IPMN clinical evolution

      P2.14 Patrizia D'Aquila (Rende)
      Variation of global RNA methylation levels with age and geriatric depression

      P2.15 Elena De Marino (Naples)
      An emergent role of p19Arf (Alternative Reading Frame) in pancreatic differentiation

      P2.16 Maddalena Di Nardo (Pisa)
      Genome instability is a marker of Cornelia de Lange Syndrome cells

      P2.17 Edison Di Pietro (Rome)
      An auxin/nap1 related protein 1 and 2 interplay regulates stem cell niche maintenance in Arabidopsis root

      P2.18 Chiara Frigerio (Milan)
      Exploring the interconnections between Fe-S clusters biogenesis and replication stress

      P2.19 Serena Gargano (Palermo)
      Investigating the impact of DNA hypomethylation on cell nucleus structure and chromosomal stability

      P2.20 Manuel Gentiluomo (Pisa)
      A genome wide association study identifies novel loci associated with IPMN clinical progression

      P2.21 Justin Joseph (Legnaro, PD)
      The genetics of dioecy in grapevine varieties

      P2.22 Daniela Maiello (Naples)
      UPR Pathways and Cellular Responses in X-Linked Dyskeratosis Congenita

      P2.23 Valeria Manzini (Rome)
      N-Terminal Truncated (NTT) and PLU1 KDM5B isoforms in breast cancer: the impact on cell migration and response to radiation

      P2.24 Anna Noviello (Naples)
      Investigating the role of autophagy in double-strand breaks (DSB) repair: impacts of epigenetics on repair pathway choice

      P2.25 Giorgio Perrella (Milan)
      Histone Deacetylase Complex 1 is a novel regulator of hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

      P2.26 Anna Piscone (Naples)
      Investigating the contribution of the base excision repair pathway to genomic instability

      P2.27 Erica Rossi (Rome)
      Looking for a mitochondrial role of telomerase reverse transcriptase

      P2.28 Martina Santulli (Bologna)
      High MYCN dosage reconfigures the ATAC complex/E2F3a intracellular interaction to foster Neuroblastoma cells towards more aggressive behaviors

      P2.29 Federico Sincinelli (Pavia)
      Chromatin and transcriptome driven identification of DNA damage response and ABA signatures in primed and overprimed Medicago truncatula seeds

      P2.30 Andrea Tonanzi (Rome)
      Arabidopsis plants with defective hydrolysis of indole glucosinolates show increased resistance to the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea

      P2.31 Liliana Tullo (Rome)
      Drosophila as a model to uncover the role of SMC1A mutations in pharmaco-resistant epilepsy

      P2.32 Maria Vivo (Salerno)
      Exploring the interplay between nuclear structure and DNA damage

    • P3 • Genomics, Proteomics and Systems Biology

      P3.1 Elena Bianchi (Pavia)
      Revealing novel interactors of DNA polymerase lambda using the BioID approach

      P3.2 Anna Bortolato (Padua)
      MOSClip: an R package for multi-omic survival and two-class pathway analysis

      P3.3 Matteo Brignone (Rome)
      Semaphorin 5A and its role in melanoma: implication in tumor aggressiveness

      P3.4 Armando Carpaneto (Genoa)
      Tonoplast cytochrome b561 is a transmembrane ascorbate- dependent monodehydroascorbate reductase: direct recordings of electron currents in plant vacuoles

      P3.5 Giulia Colombo (Pavia)
      Insights into European human population movements through the Y-chromosome’s haplogroup I

      P3.6 Anna Carolina de Lima Tanada (Padua)
      Mitology: fast and efficient mitochondrial specific pathways analysis of high-throughput data

      P3.7 Milena Della Gala (Caserta)
      Investigating the Mycobacterium smegmatis TetR_3765 regulon

      P3.8 Simona Giunta (Rome)
      Haplotype-resolved genetic and epigenetic landscapes of a human genome

      P3.9 Eliana Patricelli (Bari)
      Site-directed RNA editing systems for therapeutic applications

      P3.10 Valeria Ranzani (Milan)
      Retrotransposable elements containing transcripts as a novel players in regulating T cell function within tumor microenvironment

      P3.11 Laura Ravazzolo (Legnaro, PD)
      Heterologous expression of ZmWBC33 in Arabidopsis thaliana to assess its putative involvement in strigolactone transport

      P3.12 Domenico Sgambati (Caserta)
      A new member of Ros/MucR family: MucR2 from Sinorhizobium meliloti

      P3.13 Shraddha Shridhar Gaonkar (Pavia)
      Metabolomic changes mediated by spermidine to enhance longevity in primed Medicago truncatula seeds

      P3.14 Roberto Silvestri (Pisa)
      Proteins and miRNAs analysis reveals novel potential biomarkers for pleural mesothelioma

      P3.15 Ferdinando Spagnolo (Rome)
      Rapid prediction of Antigen-Antibody compatibility using siamese neural networks: a computational approach to enhance immune response understanding

      P3.16 Chiara Spinsante (Ancona)
      Exploring vitellogenin receptors: characterization of the low density lipoprotein superfamily receptors in the newt Cynops orientalis

      P3.17 Federico Manai (Pavia)
      TET2 alterations in colorectal cancer: impact on molecular and clinico-pathological features, and on therapy response

      P3.18 Maria Teresa Altieri (Ferrara)
      Exploring MyomiRs Dysregulation in Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy D2

    • P4 • Current Trends in Biotechnology

      P4.1 Marco Armellin (Padua)
      From leaf to flask: Cannabis sativa glandular trichomes as cellular biofactories

      P4.2 Raffaella Balestrini (Bari)
      Enabling the potential of the unexplored: exploiting tailored microbial consortia to enhance environmental, societal and economic sustainability and resilience of Italian agro-ecosystems (Micro4Life)

      P4.3 Erika Bellini (Rome)
      Microalgal extracts: eco-friendly solutions for enhancing plant resistance to fungal infections

      P4.4 Sara Beltrami (Sesto Fiorentino, FI)
      Enhancing plant photosynthetic performances by boosting plant carbonic anhydrase activity

      P4.5 Lorenzo Benetti (Ferrara)
      Exploring the potential use of RNAi technology to control the pest Halyomorpha halys

      P4.6 Angelo Betto (Legnaro, PD)
      Is ddRADseq able to predict ploidy in Lantana camara L.?

      P4.7 Marco Boschin (Padua)
      CLEver tomatoes: unlocking the role of CLE peptides in fruits

      P4.8 Francesco Cosenza (Palermo)
      Ratiometric Matroshka biosensors for in vivo monitoring of inorganic phosphate and InsP3

      P4.9 Pasquale Creanza (Urbino)
      A biotechnological approach to produce new protein bioplastic

      P4.10 Alberto Danielli (Bologna)
      Molecular engineering of a spheroid-penetrating phage nanovector for targeted photosonodynamic treatment of EGFR-expressing cancer cells

      P4.11 Angelo De Paolis (Lecce)
      Biotechnological production of bioactive compounds in Dittrichia viscosa hairy root tissues

      P4.12 Azzurra Di Bonaventura (Udine)
      Elicitation of diterpene synthesis in cell suspension cultures from Coffea arabica

      P4.13 Silvia Farinati (Legnaro, PD)
      Unlocking malesterility in horticultural crops through a precision breeding approach based on the gene editing technology

      P4.14 Marco Greco (Rome)
      Two-phase olive pomace is enriched in oligosaccharides activators of plant immunity

      P4.15 Adriano Griffo (Pavia)
      High-throughput analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as a non-invasive method for seed quality assessment

      P4.16 Muhammad Ilyas (Rome)
      Improving resistance of traditional Italian tomato cultivars against biotic stress

      P4.17 Ida Paolillo (Naples)
      Characterization of beneficial properties of natural flavonol glycosides isolated from Staphylea pinnata L.

      P4.18 Davis Roma (Milan)
      Effects of polyethylene terephthalate ingestion on Hermetia illicens larvae and its associated gut microbiota

      P4.19 Giuseppina Roscigno (Naples)
      Ultrasmall carbon nanodots as theranostic nanoheaters for precision breast cancer phototherapy: establishing the translational potential on tumor-in-a-dish models

      P4.20 Noemi Russo (Naples)
      Molecular reconstruction of biosynthetic pathway of polyketide synthase in higher plants and dinoflagellates

      P4.21 Dora Scarpin (Udine)
      Isolation and characterisation of extracellular vesicles from Coffea arabica L. cell cultures

      P4.22 Adriana Fernanda Soria Garcia (Padua)
      The protoplast culture challenge: A game changer for the reproductive barriers in leaf chicory breeding

      P4.23 Maria Carmen Valoroso (Milan)
      Molecular characterization of immune responses against bacterial challenge in Aedes albopictus larvae for the improvement of entomopathogen performances

    • P5 • Food and Sustainable Nutrition

      P5.1 Francesca Alderotti (Sesto Fiorentino, FI)
      Impact of regulated deficit irrigation on plant physiology and olives phenolic profile in three Olea europaea L. cultivars

      P5.2 Costanza Cicchi (Florence)
      Bioactive peptides from fermented sourdough: potential role in modulation of gut inflammation and intestinal barrier function

      P5.3 Ilaria Colzi (Florence)
      The third wheel in the plant-pollinator relationship: the presence of microplastics in the soil – the BeeSafe project

      P5.4 Aurélien Devillars (Legnaro, PD)
      Preliminary steps of a protocol to isolate transcription factors bound to a specific DNA locus in grapevine using CRISPR-dCas9 system

      P5.5 Irene Doro (Padua)
      Investigating the role of endophytes in enhancing grapevine resilience to drought

      P5.6 Samela Draga (Legnaro, PD)
      Exploring the Dynamics of Self-Incompatibility system in chicory

      P5.7 Guglielmo Duranti (Rome)
      Metabolomic analysis of Moringa oleifera leaves extracts from different geographical origins and evaluation of their antioxidant effects on in vitro cellular model

      P5.8 Feroza Hassan (Padua)
      Characterization of the humoral immune response in Hermetia Illucens larvae after bacterial oral exposure

      P5.9 Michela Manai (Rome)
      Phenotypical and biochemical characterization of tomato plants treated with triacontanol

      P5.10 Francesca Messina (Pavia)
      Lettuce seed priming: step-by-step design to improve thermotolerance

      P5.11 Michele Perazzolli (Trento)
      Mitigation of frost stress in plants by cold-tolerant endophytic bacteria

      P5.12 Maria Manuela Rigano (Portici, NA)
      Effect of simulated proximity shade on growth and photosynthesis of one tomato introgression line

      P5.13 Damiano Riommi (Legnaro, PD)
      Genotyping through ddRADseq in Kabocha squash (Cucurbita maxima L.): identification of discriminant molecular loci for breeding and commercial products tracing

      P5.14 Chiara Ruspi (Perugia)
      Use of Plant Growth-Promoting Yeasts (PGPYs) to enhance zucchini growth in saline soils

      P5.15 Francesco Scariolo (Legnaro, PD)
      NGS-based phylogenetic analysis and discriminant loci identification in Cichorium crops: a comparison between species, biotypes and varieties

      P5.16 Patrizia Trifilo' (Messina)
      Hydrochar as a soil amendment: boosting drought resistance in sunflowers

      P5.17 Fabiola Troisi (Pisa)
      Intestine-on-chip platforms for testing intestinal absorption of peptide drugs synthesized and delivered through newly engineered food

    • P6 • Health and Disease

      P6.1 Giulia Acocella (Rome)
      The nucleoside analogue 6-thio-2'-deoxyguanosine (6-thio-dG) sensitizes breast cancer cells to ionizing radiation exposure

      P6.2 Roberta Andreotti (Padua)
      LSD1/PRMT6-targeting gene therapy to attenuate androgen receptor toxic gain-of function
      ameliorates spinobulbar muscular atrophy phenotypes in flies and mice

      P6.3 Fatemeh Asadzadeh (Naples)
      A mechanisms of Prune-1 involvement in cell metabolism using a murine model of Triple Negative Breast cancer (TNBC)

      P6.4 Francesca Romana Auciello (Rome)
      Cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) in PDAC: potential metabolic targets in the tumour microenvironment

      P6.5 Francesca Bompan (Ferrara)
      In-vitro anticancer activity of Asparagus officinalis extracts on breast carcinoma

      P6.6 Nadia Ceccato (Padua)
      Daily changes in the mitochondria network in the retina of Drosophila melanogaster

      P6.7 Ilenia Cruciata (Palermo)
      An innovative approach of personalized medicine in cystic fibrosis: an in vivo study with NV914 molecule as translational readthrough inducing drug

      P6.8 Andrea D'Alessandro (Rome)
      An inherited TBX3 alteration in a prenatal case of ulnar-mammary syndrome: clinical assessment and functional characterization in Drosophila melanogaster

      P6.9 Rodrigo D'Amico (Rome)
      Consequences of CNBP reduced expression in DM2 pathogenesis

      P6.10 Pasqualino de Antonellis (Avellino)
      The calcium (Ca2+) transporter ATP2B1 and genetics of the host during viral infection

      P6.11 Ida De Chiara (Caserta)
      Lactococcus lactis cell-free supernatant inhibits GBM cell line proliferation and maintains blood-brain barrier integrity

      P6.12 Alessio Felici (Pisa)
      Leveraging machine learning models and unmodifiable risk factors for cancer risk prediction with local environmental exposures

      P6.13 Veronica Ferrucci (Naples)
      Loss of function mutations in PRUNE1 locus (1q21.3) cause neurodevelopmental disorder (NMIHBA, #617481) by altering mitochondrial metabolism and microtubule dynamics

      P6.14 Anna Fiorillo (Rome)
      Beyond abiotic stresses: the Salt Tolerance-Related Protein (STRP) confers enhanced protection against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) DC3000 in Arabidopsis thaliana

      P6.15 Giuseppe Forlani (Ferrara)
      Heterologous expression and functional characterization of rice proline dehydrogenase

      P6.16 Rebecca Foschi (Ferrara)
      Effects of nutlin-3 on endothelial cells in the presence of inflammation

      P6.17 Laura Giannotti (Lecce)
      Investigating the neuroprotective effects of N-Methylpyridinium on LPS-induced neuroinflammation: insights into molecular mechanisms

      P6.18 Silvia Iannelli (Naples)
      Chromatin plasticity to Preeclampsia monitoring in pregnant women

      P6.19 Ludovica Lospinoso Severini (Rome)
      SALL4 is a CRL3REN substrate that drives Sonic Hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma

      P6.20 Simona Martinotti (Alessandria)
      Glucose-related protein-78 (GRP78) on the cell surface: the shadowy side of GRP78

      P6.21 Simone Pizzini (Padua)
      The involvement of the immune receptor CD300e in obesity-associated dysmetabolism

      P6.22 Elia Ranzato (Alessandria)
      ER stress response in pleural mesothelioma: the role of BOLD-100

      P6.23 Elena Riva (Parma)
      Analysis of PM2.5 extracts impact on atherosclerosis process: inflammatory response and possible role of ATP-binding cassette transporters

      P6.24 Maria Serena Roca (Naples)
      Valproic Acid sensitizes colorectal cancer to chemotherapy by targeting cancer stem cell compartment through b-Catenin modulation

      P6.25 Rossella Roncoroni (Varese)
      The human RNASET2 protein behaves as an alarmin by stimulating chemotaxis and M1-polarization in vitro in two macrophage cell models

      P6.26 Alexa Torri (Parma)
      CAMKK1 rs7214723 Polymorphism: Focus on cardiovascular disease

      P6.27 Sabina Visconti (Rome)
      14-3-3 proteins are involved in the plant response to plant pathogens

      P6.28 Emanuele Vitale (Palermo)
      A precision medicine approach for nonsense mutations: study of novel small molecules for the rescue of p53 protein expression

      P6.29 Clarissa Zanotti (Rome)
      Cabbage-derived exosome: an innovative purification method and potential applications in pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical fields

      P6.30 Lucrezia Zerillo (Benevento)
      The CARD14sh-BCL10-MALT1 complex regulates antiviral innate immune response in keratinocytes

      P6.31 Tiziana Zotti (Benevento)
      Extremely low frequency-electromagnetic fields promote chondrogenic differentiation of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells through a conventional genetic program